Event: Emergence Magazine - Breathing With The Forest, Online Launch

Breathing With The Forest, an immersive work that I worked on with Marshmallow Laser Feast exploring the interrelation of beings and focused around a Ceiba Pentandra tree in the Araras district of the Colombian Amazon has just launched as an online experience with Emergence Magazine, with a new voiceover by the wonderful British Actor, Colin Salmon.

You can access the piece here.

At our Shifting Landscapes exhibition in London last December, we premiered the large-scale immersive experience “Breathing with the Forest” from celebrated art collective Marshmallow Laser Feast. Conceived as an open-eyed meditation, the installation invited people to feel into the ways we are intimately linked with forests through the greater respiration of the Earth. While not always tangible, this connection is ever-present—trees inhale our breath and use sunlight to exhale oxygen. In this eternal cycle of reciprocity, the world flows into us and we flow into the world.

Over the last few months we’ve been working on creating an online adaptation of this boundary-pushing installation that draws you into an exchange with the Amazon rainforest. In this new interactive multimedia experience, narrated by acclaimed British actor Colin Salmon, explore layers of molecular exchange and synchronize the rhythm of your own breath with the cycles and currents of air and water flowing between the trees and mycelial networks. Within a soundscape of birdsong, moving water, and insect chirr, open your senses to the invisible continuities between the forest, the ecosystem beneath it, and the wider living world.

(Emergence Magazine)